5 Guaranteed Ways to Destress After Work

Work can be stressful, and bringing that stress home with you can lead an unhappy lifestyle. Too much stress can impact your mental and physical health, so it’s important to keep your anxiety under control.

There are many ways that you can rid yourself of work stress and improve your quality of life. By engaging in activities like exercising, spending time with friends, cooking a delicious dinner and taking on a new hobby, you can take your mind off of the stress you feel, which can help you relax at times when you’re away from work.


Exercising releases endorphins in the brain. Endorphins are the body’s natural pain killers and mood elevators. This is why exercising helps people feel good. One way to process stress and leave it behind at the end of the work day is to go for a walk, run, bike, or go lift some weights. You can do this before you get home, or once you’ve gone home.

Spend Time with Friends

Extroverts are people who seek out the company of others to eliminate stress. If that describes you, then going out for food or drinks after work may be a great way to eliminate stress from your life.

If you don’t have time to go out with friends after work, then going to breakfast before work begins may also be an option. Make a point of meeting a friend in a restaurant on a specific day of the week, hopefully on a day when you have few or no meetings in the morning. This way you can enjoy your breakfast without worry of being late for something important in the office.

Another way to get your fix of time with friends is to establish a movie night, dinner, or even bowling. Consider joining a bowling league or an after work club.

Cook Yourself a Delicious Dinner

Cooking is a smart way to take your mind off of work. Try a new recipe that looks delicious but also challenging, to give yourself something to think about when you’re home. If you’re not particularly skilled in the kitchen, learning an easy recipe is a fun and challenging task that will engage your creative side. Plus when you are finished, you get to eat it!

Put On The Music

Music impacts our emotions and can lift our spirits when we’re feeling unhappy. Simply sitting down or having a nice shower with some music in the background can melt away your stress at the end of a long day.

Find music that lifts your spirits and energizes your body – or music that soothes your frayed nerves. Are you cooking dinner at the end of your long day? Put on the music while you’re in the kitchen, then enjoy a light, soothing musical selection during dinner time.

Take On a New Hobby

Learning a new skill can be fulfilling and also distracting from the stress you feel while at work. Whether you’re learning to paint a picture, play a sport, cook a new meal or how to invest your money, there are many activities that you can take on to broaden your horizons.

Some hobbies can even make you a part of a new community, whether that’s the local book club, art society, etc. You can never have too many skills under your belt, and engaging in hobbies will take your mind off of work when you come home.

Can’t De-Stress? You Are Heard Here

Your mental health is important. If you need to talk to someone, contact the professionals at Jonas Hill Hospitals & Clinic. Our experienced team can help you find happiness and improve your quality of life.


Jonas Hill Hospital & Clinic, a division of Caldwell Memorial Hospital provides our community with safe, dignified and integrated care for adult patients experiencing an acute mental health need. We provide hope, treatment, and healing through a holistic program of evidence-based psychiatric treatment, team-based medical care, and education provided by engaging and dedicated professionals in a safe and healing environment. Contact us today for more information. A safe space to heal.