How You Can Get Involved in Suicide Prevention Month

Organizations and individuals alike work to bring awareness to suicide during the month of September. According to the National Mental Health Alliance (NAMI), September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. NAMI uses the entire month to spread information about suicide, including warning signs and prevention, to as many people as possible. 

If you have been affected by suicide, know that there are ways you can get involved and help prevent future tragedies. Here are just a few examples.

Learn About the Importance of this Month

Suicide is a problem that affects people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures. It is important to be aware of the warning signs of suicide and to get help if you or someone you know is in danger.

Suicide Prevention Month is an opportunity to learn more about suicide and how to prevent it. Each year, suicide kills more people than homicide. It’s the tenth leading cause of death in the US, and it’s estimated that there are 123 suicides per day. There are also 1,100 attempts made each day.

Reach out to Loved Ones

Checking in on your loved ones is a great way to show your support. Just a quick text or call to see how someone is doing can make a world of difference.

To provide more support to your loved ones, you could even offer to help with any tasks or errands they might need assistance with.

Educating your loved ones about why Suicide Prevention Month is important to you is also a great way to get them involved. Through talking about the issue and sharing your own experiences, you can help break the stigma around mental health and encourage others to reach out if they’re struggling.

Social Media

Raising awareness for suicide prevention is important, and social media is a great way to do it. You can help educate your friends and followers about Suicide Prevention Month by sharing articles, videos and other content that covers suicide prevention.

You can also post about the importance of this month and why it’s important to you. Encouraging your friends and followers to get involved in suicide prevention is a great way to make a difference.

Volunteer/Attend Fundraisers

Volunteering for suicide prevention is a great way to get involved in the cause. There are many opportunities to volunteer and it’s rewarding. No matter what your skills or interests, there are plenty of ways you can contribute, even by just attending.

Attending a fundraiser is a great way to support suicide prevention. Fundraisers are also great opportunities to meet other people who care about suicide prevention.

You Are Heard Here

Jonas Hill Hospital is here to help. If you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts or know someone who is, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We offer a variety of services and resources to help those in need, and we’re always here to listen.

If you or someone you know is in danger, please call 911 immediately.


Jonas Hill Hospital & Clinic, a division of Caldwell Memorial Hospital provides our community with safe, dignified and integrated care for adult patients experiencing an acute mental health need. We provide hope, treatment, and healing through a holistic program of evidence-based psychiatric treatment, team-based medical care, and education provided by engaging and dedicated professionals in a safe and healing environment. Contact us today for more information. A safe space to heal.