Inpatient Mental Health Treatment Can Be Essential And Life-Changing

Mental health issues are palpable in our society, yet many don’t act until a crisis strikes. In the US alone, tens of millions of adults have a mental illness—and that number continues to rise. 

When addressing these problems head-on, getting professional help is the most effective way forward. One particularly life-changing option is inpatient treatment for mental health issues—one that combines the assistance of professionals with intensive therapy programs and around-the-clock care. This approach may not be suitable for everyone, but for those who need it, it can benefit their journey toward mental wellness.

Read on as we explore why inpatient medical care should be taken seriously when it comes to taking charge of your well-being.

Who Benefits From Inpatient Mental Health Treatment?

Inpatient mental health treatment is for those who require 24-hour supervision in a safe environment. It is recommended for those suffering from depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, substance abuse and personality disorders. It can also be an excellent option for people who are considering suicide and need around-the-clock observation.

What Is Inpatient Mental Health Treatment Like?

Inpatient mental health treatment typically involves a combination of different therapies, medications and support services designed to help patients cope with their condition in an environment free from distractions and triggers. 

This type of care usually includes individual and group therapy sessions, cognitive behavioral therapy, problem-solving skills training and more. 

Medication is prescribed for those who experience severe disorders to help manage symptoms.

The Benefits of Inpatient Mental Health Treatment

Inpatient mental health treatment also benefits those struggling with challenging mental health issues. Here are some of the advantages that come with this type of care:

  • It allows intensive therapy sessions and a personalized care plan tailored to meet each patient’s needs.
  • It offers 24-hour monitoring and support, which can help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
  • It provides a safe environment to protect the patient from any potential triggers or distractions in their daily life.
  • It can help the patient develop coping skills and better manage their mental health in the long run.

Who Do You Call When You Need Inpatient Mental Health Care?

It can be overwhelming and even scary if you find yourself in a mental health crisis and are unsure of who to contact. However, resources are available to help guide you through this difficult time.

One option is to contact your local mental health crisis line

Alternatively, you can contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 988 or another crisis hotline specifically addressing your situation or needs.

These hotlines are staffed by professionals who can identify and connect you with local crisis resources, ensuring you receive the support and care you need during this challenging time. Remember, you are not alone, and there is always someone available to talk to.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, inpatient mental health treatment is incredibly beneficial for those who need it and can truly change someone’s life. If you or your loved one are struggling with a mental health issue, consider seeking professional help to determine if this treatment may be the right solution.

The team at Jonas Hill Hospital is here to help. Learn more about our inpatient mental health treatment programs and how they can make a difference.

Jonas Hill Hospital & Clinic, a division of Caldwell Memorial Hospital, provides our community with safe, dignified, and integrated care for adult patients experiencing acute mental health needs. We provide hope, treatment, and healing through a holistic program of evidence-based psychiatric treatment, team-based medical care, and education by engaging and dedicated professionals in a safe and healing environment. Contact us today for more information—a safe space to heal.